
If specialties form the cornerstones in medicine, then general medicine provides the fundamental base for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. This department works round-the-clock, taking care of both inpatients and outpatients at the hospital and bringing students in vital medical contact with patients.

Here students gain sound knowledge of the various systems in use in the hospital for patient monitoring and care. This exposure is supplemented by the theoretical sessions with the help of advanced teaching techniques and learning aids that are present in all the lecture halls. These facilities are put to good use by the practicing faculty that make up this department. The faculty members, besides practicing medicine, conduct Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs .


The undergraduate program trains students in medical skills and inculcates in them respect for human life. Their curriculum takes the form of regular bedside clinics followed by frequent assessments. Students are thrown into problem-oriented teaching sessions during outpatient clinics, challenging them to use their knowledge to come up with a diagnosis and treatment.