
A good physician has to be a good pharmacologist. Students gain a thorough knowledge of medications, such as various routes of administration, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse drug reactions and dosage schedules.

With well-qualified and experienced faculty guiding them, students can look forward to an interesting course. The faculty keep themselves up-to-date by participating in national and international conferences and presenting scientific papers. This in turn keeps students updated.


The curriculum is a healthy mix of theoretical and practical work. Students are expected to take up projects and attend clinical classes. They are also given the opportunity to learn new concepts through seminars, group discussions and CME programs. Interactive sessions encourage students to present their understanding of the subject. Faculty members put the audiovisual facilities of the lecture halls to good use in keeping the sessions lively.

Undergraduate students are made familiar with the usage of medications commonly prescribed in dentistry. Since prescribing drugs is an important daily routine for a medical professional, training in writing a proper prescription is also part of the curriculum. Research

Both faculty and students are encouraged to attend research programs to come out with better medications and investigate existing prescription drugs. The Animal House is attached to the department as much of the research involves testing we are also conducting a pharmaco vigilance program in our institution.

A vital role

The department plays a pivotal role in the MAPIMS Medical College Hospital by providing other clinical departments with a variety of services:

Drug information for clinical departments
Patient treatment assessments by monitoring drug levels
Complete drug formulary for clinical reference
Clinical trials conducted in collaboration with
pharmaceutical companies